Buying Nuitka with Crypto currency
Accepted currencies
You can pay with Bitcoin transfers and 2 forms of USDT, a stable coin. These shall be done to our wallet addresses as listed below.
Prices should match what e.g. 400 EUR in BTC
gives in Google.
Wallet Address
There are different forms of USDT, a currency that has equality with the USD. You can transfer to each of these 4 different flavors of USDT.
Coin Flavor |
Wallet Address |
0xCa7dc3e7c42a20F3C6A047c164777e647916d9c5 |
TCrSnp1bGHmFk2UddKoTbzYrxhzo8w4kyn |
Bitcoin |
bc1qj9htss26ltk24prdl4zcea86yn8k6f7hcxlapg |
The amounts should match what e.g. 400 EUR in BTC
or 250 EUR in
gives in Google at the given time.
Please fill out this form after doing it, so we have your information, in a way that is safe from getting lost, and know what you meant to buy with it.
Thanks for working with Nuitka commercial!